What Music Does for the Mind and Sanity

Music can do many things for a person:
1. Change their mood
    ~ Music can change a person mood, based on the tempo, style, and rhythm of the piece.

2.Enhance emotions of certain situations
    ~ Music, depending on the situation or the emotion that a person is experiencing, can strengthen the emotions that a person is feeling, or increase the intensity of said emotion. 

3. Provides a personal, unique experience
    ~ Each person has the opportunity to experience something different than the person sitting next to them. The music could affect each person differently or inspire thoughts or emotions that are unique to them.

4. Helps with learning, and memory
    ~Studies show that students who study music have statistically higher grade point averages. Other studies show that people who listen to classical music, specifically Mozart's Sonata for Two Piano's in D Major, have higher scores on recall tests than those who do not. The reason for this that different types of music with tempos and rhythm stimulate different parts of the brain which can result in the release of neurons or adrenaline. One study in particular, preformed by Dr. George Lozanov, had incredible results. He experimented with Baroque period music (which usually averaged to be around 60 beats per minute) and language learning. He said that a student, under his program could learn an entire school term vocabulary in one day. The even more impressive statistic is that more than 95 percent of his students had near perfect recall of the language even if they had not studied the language since the experiment (Music and the Brain).

5. Even affect health
    ~Specific music has been found to affect heart rate and blood pressure depending on the style (Classical vs Rock music)

Information from: Music and the Brain

Why is this relevant?

MTV showed all types of music, mostly the newer, more upbeat music. The fact that music can effect someone in all these ways shows how important music is. MTV helped spread music on a global level and the ideas that the music was portraying. So the importance of music is clear, but the effect of MTV is clear as well. They created the idea of music and music television that exists today.